Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris vel tortor vitae nibh condimentum auctor. Integer ac lacus um sociis. natoque enatibus et magnis disparturient ontes nascetur ridiculus mus. In purus ante ornare id rutrum sit amet condimentum rhoncus ligula... - Name / Client
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris vel tortor vitae nibh condimentum auctor. Integer ac lacus um sociis. natoque enatibus et magnis disparturient ontes nascetur ridiculus mus. In purus ante ornare id rutrum sit amet condimentum rhoncus ligula... - Name/ Client
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris vel tortor vitae nibh condimentum auctor. Integer ac lacus um sociis. natoque enatibus et magnis disparturient ontes nascetur ridiculus mus. In purus ante ornare id rutrum sit amet condimentum rhoncus ligula... - Name/ Client
Did I forget the testimonials? Silly me!
Oh wait... Maybe somebody forgot to send me one?- Simon / Airfox
The 'about' bit...
(The brief history of a geek)

My first tech job: April 1981
Stevenage, Hertfordshire. I was 13 when I started my very first job in technology. I was installing disk drives and initializing 5¼-inch floppy disks on Apple II computers, while listening to the Space Shuttle's inaugural launch on the radio.
For most of my teens, my weekend and school holiday job was helping out at County Computer Stores, Bishop's Stortford.
When I left home to go to uni I bumped into night clubs. Basically a shed with a ton of technical stuff: sound equipment, lighting equipment, fog equipment and lasers! Kept me busy for a good few years.
My first website: May 1998
Daytona Beach, Florida. I'd become a bit of an AOL chat room addict; unless I was out flying I'd be yak-yak-yakin' morning, noon and night!
But people kept asking me 'have you got any pics?' Having to stop chatting to email pictures was a pain. I needed a quicker and easier solution, so I taught myself how to build a simple website to put my pictures on. Now all I had to do was send people a link, easy!
My first online business happened when I met a chap online from India selling a generic Viagra, called Kamagra. "Tell people about me, I'll pay you commission from their sales." he said. So pages were built and Kamagra became my first product. This evolved into a complete prescription medicine price comparison website.
There have been plenty others since then. Industrial solvents proved to be a huge hit . My most recent is gripad.co.uk, a simpler alternative to gym gloves.
And the rest is history.
Today, I'm still building websites - mostly for other people. I'm still building, repairing & updating computers. Still doing all that techy stuff that people need doing. To them, I am their IT department.